Before the arrival of religious teachings, founders and prophets, what religion that mankind professed? According to research done by scholars, the earliest known religion was professed by the Sumerians with their own creation stories, gods, demi-gods and holy book. From their teachings, came a new concept of Judaism for the Hebrews. Therefore, Judaism consisted of three types of religious concepts, namely: 1) concept of Hebrews (Israelites) in Egypt, 2) concept of Hebrews in Mesopotamia, 3) concept of Hebrews in Canaan (Palestine). Amalgamation of these three concepts in later development of Judaism, produced the holy book, known as the "Bible." Later, the Bible teachings were modified by certain group known as the "Followers of Christ" or Christians to suit their taste and produced the continuation of the "Old Testament" with their own "New Testament." Later, part of these teachings were copied by the Arab with a new concept of religion, known as "Islam." That's why these three religions shared the same stories of creation, prophets, religious teachings and setting (mostly in their environment). There were no stories on other races, such as the Indians, Chinese, Malays, Greeks, Romans, etc.
We know from history that Judaism remained for the Jews, while Christianity and Islam expanded to other regions, either by forced conversion of expansionism. They moved from their birth-places (Christianity in Jerusalem and Islam from Medina and later Mecca) to other areas in the Middle East, North Africa and the rim of the Mediterranean. Later, they went to other parts of the world. We also learnt that the expansion of Christianity and Islam caused millions of death and other atrocities to mankind, up to the present time. When they were small with few adherents, they tolerated everything, but when they were big enough with great adherents, they imposed their religious teachings and punishments to the masses. Unfortunately, there is no place for women in these religions. They cannot become priests, ulamas or religious leaders because there were no female prophets in these religions.
Later, Christianity broke into many sects, such as Protestant, Calvinism, Mormons, etc. Islam broke into Sunni, Shia, Ismaili and other smaller sects. Every sect claims to be the torch bearer of the true religion. It caused religious wars everywhere, and the victors imposed their own interpretation of religion, so-called the true religion of God. Sadly, there are wars among the Christians, and among the Muslims.
Translation in Malay:
Kepercayaan agama Yahudi dimulai dengan tiga kelompok orang-orang Yahudi, iaitu 1) orang Yahudi yang menetap di Mesopotamia, 2) orang Yahudi yang menetap di Mesir, dan 3) orang Yahudi yang menetap di bumi Canaan (Palestin). Kepercayaan ini disatukan apabila orang-orang Yahudi dari Mesir menjadi kumpulan dominan di Canaan. Mereka mewujudkan kerajaan beraja Yahudi yang dimulai oleh Joshua (selepas kematian Nabi Musa). Ajaran Yahudi diperkemas dan dicantumkan dengan wujudnya sebuah kitab suci, iaitu kitab "Bible." Selepas itu, ajaran Yahudi ini diperbaharui oleh satu kelompok pengikut Nabi Isa yang dinamakan "Kristian." Mereka pun mencipta kitab suci yang baru, bernama "Perjanjian Baru" tetapi masih memakai "Bible" Yahudi yang diberikan nama baru, iaitu "Perjanjian Lama." Kemudian, agama Yahudi dan Kristian diberikan konsep baru oleh orang-orang Arab dengan nama agama Islam.
Itu sebabnya kitab-kitab suci Yahudi, Kristian dan Islam menceritakan kisah-kisah keturunan mereka, kejadian alam, ketuhanan, nabi-nabi dan wilayah mereka sahaja tanpa ada cerita tentang bangsa-bangsa lain, seperti orang China, India, Malai/Malay/Malayu, dan tempat-tempat lain di muka bumi ini. Agama Yahudi tidak disebarkan kepada bangsa-bangsa lain kerana ia adalah agama khas untuk orang-orang Yahudi sebagai "Umat Pilihan Tuhan." Orang lain adalah "Goyim" atau kafir. Tetapi agama-agama Kristian dan Islam berkembang dari tempat asalnya (Kristian di Jerusalem, dan Islam di Medinah dan kemudian di Mekah) ke tempat-tempat lain di Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara dan Pesisir Mediterranean. Selepas itu, kedua agama ini berkembang ke seluruh dunia.
Sejarah dunia telah memaparkan peperangan agama kerana mahu mengembangkan agama di antara Kristian dengan Islam. Maka berlakulah peperangan agama yang membunuh berjuta jiwa, baik bagi agama Kristian mahupun bagi agama Islam. Lebih malang lagi peperangan sesama agama, iaitu Kristian lawan Kristian dan Islam lawan Islam. Ini disebabkan berbagai fahaman tentang agama Kristian dan Islam tumbuh di berbagai tempat. Agama Kristian berpecah kepada Protestan, Calvin, Mormon, dsb. Manakala Islam berpecah kepada Sunnah Wal Jamaah, Shiah, Ismailiah dan kelompok-kelompok lainnya. Dalam peperangan agama ini, pemenang akan menguatkuasakan tafsiran agama mereka kepada si-kalah. Akhirnya, dunia berpecah kepada berbagai agama dan tafsiran. Masing-masing kelompok mengakui menyebarkan ajaran sebenar dari Tuhan!
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